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Medicare AEP

By October 8, 2018March 31st, 2021Medicare Options

Autumn is here.  There’s a chill in the air, the leaves turning color and on October 15, the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period begins.  And this year there is a LOT to consider.

What does this mean to you?

It depends on your needs, who your current insurer is and where you get your care now.  Have you had any change in your health or prescription drug needs during this past year?   It also depends on your life circumstances.  Have you moved, have you started travelling south for the winter or for an extended period of time?  If you are happy with your current insurer and aren’t concerned about which hospital you can go to or what doctor you should see for care, you may want to stay put.  But even under the same carrier umbrella, there are new plans to consider this year for those eligible for Medicare and the options are very attractive.

Medicare coverage help.

You can start with the Government’s website and view their Plan Finder You Tube Videos.  Our suggestion is to seek guidance from an unbiased expert who is licensed to sell insurance, who has completed specialized training and who can offer various options through a variety of insurers.  Loesel-Schaaf can meet this need.  Consultations are provided by individuals who have passed the Federal Marketplace training course and the Medicare Fraud, Waste and Abuse training.  They receive product training from many insurers and are able to help you make an informed decision.  We offer Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans and Part D Prescription Drug coverage.  Feel free to call for a consultation if you are looking for advice; 1-814-833-5433 or toll free at 877-718-9935

We may be able to help you save money or give you peace of mind with your current coverage.

Please Note:

Loesel-Schaaf and it’s agents are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program


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